Garden fruit

Sally took these pictures of fruit bushes in our garden. As we were away for almost a month up to mid-July, they seem to have done quite well without our help. In the pictures are: three types of pears grafted onto the same tree (I’m sure there’s something in the Old Testament warning against this sort of abomination!); Esme’s blueberry fruit bush and some small figs, hard as nails at the moment but for which we have high hopes come the Autumn. Also in the garden are strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb, plums, grapes, inedible olives and black red and white currants. There were a few cherries, we think, but they came and went, eaten by birds, while we were away. It seems a lot, but, as usual, some are more successful than others. As Sally says, you’ll never be a gardener if you’re easily disappointed.

And, a week or so later, the first of those wicked pears!

…and this year’s first, edible, fig!

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