RPS exhibition

We visited this year’s “Pink Lady” food-related photography exhibition at the Royal Photographic Society. I was surprised to see, in and exhibition of classic old film cameras, a rather battered Kodak Cresta II, a plastic (bakalite?) superior version of the popular Kodak Brownie 127, seen here on the left of the picture. I was bought a Cresta (the bigger one on the right) by my parents when I was eleven. Perhaps I should have kept it, if it was a classic? Not really, there are no end of them on ebay for about £20! Although they took “medium-format” square negatives (like Hasselblads) they were fairly primitive, despite the sophistications of “slideable” filters for emphasising clouds on monochrome film, and for close-ups.

The exhibition itself had some brilliant pictures, in various categories. Difficult to photograph close-up due to lighting reflection in the glass frames. Plus, there were signs asking us not to.

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