Cam Peak near Dursley, Glos.

This week’s sunniest day looked like being … WEDNESDAY! So we parked by Cam Peak, north-east of Dursley in Gloucestershire, and walked through the town and up to Stinchcombe Hill following a loop in the Cotswold Way around Stinchcombe Golf Club. It’s a nice seven or eight mile walk with fabulous views over the Severn to the west and Cotswolds to the east. The actual loop around the golf club has, probably, the best views (but not many shown here as grand views never work well, for me, in photographs). On our way back to Cam Peak, a passing dog walker told us that legend has it that the devil was walking past one day with a wheelbarrow of soil to dam the Severn Estuary and asked a local cobbler how far he had to go. The cobbler replied that he had worn out all the shoes in his shop through walking to the Severn and back, as it was such a long way. At this point the devil gave up and emptied his barrow there, which is now this hill. Country folk, eh? Believe anything. Apparently the hill is covered with bluebells in the Spring, so will return.

After our walk we drove a mile or two east and parked at the viewpoint, and long barrow, at the top of Frocester Hill (last picture) for coffee and cake.

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